martedì 30 agosto 2011

Its all boring

I am confused, or rather, my thoughts confuse me. Why is it that everytime I manage to find a new socalled "problem" in my life. If it isn't work it's my man and if it isn't my man it's my friends, and if it isn't my friends it's me... Right now it's my man, he makes me feel neglected, and less enthusiastic about everything. I don't feel like im dependent of him, but I do love our quality moments, when we can hang out like our first times. The time when we could hang out as friends and as lovers, relaxed, without any problem in the world. The time when he would want to just hang out with me and go out with me! Now that we live and work together, ofcourse he wants to waste his sparetime with his friends. But it's everytime, because nowdays, if we ever hang out alone, we watch a movie, have sex or other that doesn't actually involve conversation. When we're at work it's the same, we talk really little and just kiss and babytalk. I wonder if it's me making a small issue a big problem or if it's true. Today he told me he want's me more passionate, more aggressive. But I can't help feeling more passive and neglecting. Ofcourse someone has it worse than I am but I can't help thinking in this victim way. Should I bring it up of should i just let it pass and be optimistic? And how the hell should I be thinking potimisticly? The thought stroke me when we were working sunday, his new best friend was there and he kept asking him all the time, "what do you want to do? etc etc" Like, when was the last time you asked me something like that? You just decide for yourself and your friend and then you just assume that imma tag along, to be as your little dog following you without being at all independent.
When i'll find this job and i'll have real sparetime, damn sure I'll neglect him for my friends all the time, and say "If you wanna come, come, if you don't go call your friend or something ok?" Yeah, thats how i feel about it anyway.